10 Ways to Eliminate Isolation and Connect

Pulling away feels safe, but its destructive!

Leadership Freak

alone quote

Everything is worse when faced alone. Lousy leaders withdraw, build barriers, condone silos, and stifle relationships.

Pulling away feels safe, but its destructive.

Isolation causes, magnifies, and exacerbates every issue leaders face. For example:

  1. Distrust expands when you hide in your office.
  2. Arrogance, the deadliest leadership failure, grows in segregation.
  3. Earning respect from older, more experienced employees, doesn’t happen from a distance.
  4. Fear and insecurity increase in isolation. Everyone knows something’s wrong when you close down and pull away.

Those we push away become the enemy.

Pushing others out is a tragic expression of inexperience. People cause all the problems, but, they solve them, too.

The more you feel like pulling away
the more you must connect.

Leadership in isolation is an empty title.


  1. Learning connects. Use four words every colleague wants to hear. “What do you think?” Know-it-alls push away.
  2. Fascination connects. Feel people leaning in when you…

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